Jay K. Harness, MD, FACS is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California- Irvine and a breast surgeon at both St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA and Northern Inyo Hospital in Bishop, CA. Dr. Harness received both his MD degree and training in general surgery at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. He then remained on the faculty at the University of Michigan and developed one of the first United States multidisciplinary breast centers in 1985. Dr. Harness left the University of Michigan in 1989 and spent two years at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston where he also established a multidisciplinary breast center at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center. Subsequently, he came to Oakland, California in 1991 to join the University of California-East Bay Department of Surgery where he was a Professor and Chief of Surgical Oncology at Highland General Hospital. The opportunity to direct his third multidisciplinary breast program at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA came in the summer of 2003. He recently established his fourth breast surgery program at Northern Inyo Hospital in Bishop, CA in 2016.
Over the years, Dr. Harness has been known for his work in the fields of endocrine and breast surgery, as well as the use of ultrasound in surgical practice. He is a member of several national and international surgical societies and associations. He is a Past- President of: Breast Surgery International (BSI), The American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS) and the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES). He has authored over 100 scientific articles and book chapters and has been the lead editor of 3 textbooks. His most recent books, The Breast Cancer Answers Book and Operative Approaches to Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Indications, Techniques, & Outcomes were published in 2016. He is a co-founder of Breast Cancer Answers (www.breastcanceranswers.com) which is a Social Media video site for breast cancer patients, family members and friends.